We know you are eager to start your lawn care activities and lawn treatments in mid-spring. Before you start shopping for organic or synthetic fertilizers, however, you should know a few things about them. Today, our lawn treatments experts in Chesterfield, MO, are here to answer the most frequently asked questions when it comes to feeding your lawn nutrients, weed control substances, and enhancements.
What Are Organic Fertilizers?
Organic fertilizers are natural products you can use to make your soil healthier and lay the foundation for landscaping and gardening when you want to expand your lawn into something more complex. You may know that organic fertilizers can include compost, food scraps, Epsom salt, manure, mulches, etc. However, store-bought organic fertilizers look just like synthetic ones, with the difference that they can be much more expensive and less widely available.
Do I Need Organic or Synthetic Fertilizers for My Lawn?
Only your local experts in lawn treatments in Chesterfield, MO, can give this answer to you. Upon assessing your lawn and noting down its strengths and weaknesses, your local specialists in lawn fertilization and weed control in Chesterfield MO will propose an intervention plan. They will blend balanced ratios of nutrients to make sure your lawn and vegetation get precisely what they need when they need it. Pouring either type of lawn fertilizer “by ear” can lead to damages no matter how natural are the products you use.
What are the Main Differences between Organic and Synthetic Fertilizers?
Here are in short, the differences between natural and artificial fertilizers:
- Organic ones are pricier and harder to find;
- Natural fertilizers take time to produce effects in comparison to synthetic ones, that act quicker;
- Organic lawn treatments are milder with the environment, wildlife, and pets;
- Synthetic fertilizers, on the other hand, contain more powerful ingredients in more substantial ratios;
- Both lead to comparable results: greener, more durable, safer lawn & vegetation.
Do I Need a Professional Application of Lawn Treatments in Chesterfield, MO?
Yes. Our lawn treatments specialists in Chesterfield MO can tailor a weed control and fertilization program for your lawn and yard to cover all seasons and the entirety of your lawn’s needs. Upon each visit, they will tailor and blend different ratios and fertilizers to prevent problems and boost your lawn’s health.
If you want a lawn treatment this time of year, ask our experts for a free estimate and let them tend to your lawn in perfect safety!