Landscapers and lawn treatment experts call an invasive plant any plant that grows where you don’t want it to grow (an area different from the region you live in). An invasive plant also develops in such a way that it threatens to crowd your native plants or even take over your property or an entire ecosystem. Invasive species don’t necessarily have to be weeds. On the contrary, invasive plants are by no means ugly specimens; some of them are quite spectacular and arrived on your property because other homeowners decided to spice up their landscapes with some unique exotic ornamentals. While invasive plants are a more systemic issue, endangering vast ecosystems, plants, and animals, our experts in lawn treatments in Ballwin, MO, feel they have to warn you about these plants.
Lawn Masters
Landscaping in Ballwin MO around Trees – All You Need to Know from Experts
When you have a beautiful landscape filled with trees and shrubs for color, texture, depth, privacy, and increased curb appeal, you might think there are no other ways to spice up the property even more. However, the areas around the trees are usually barren patches of soil, mulch, or – in the best case scenario – some turf. What if you had plenty of options to create veritable mini under-tree landscapes under the trees? Our experts in landscaping in Ballwin, MO, are here to teach you what to do with the space under and around trees to help it rise to its true potential!
Do You Need Lawn Treatments in Chesterfield, MO against Noxious Weeds?
Weeds come in many shapes and sizes, and we are sure you are now closely working with your experts in lawn treatments in Chesterfield, MO, to keep them at bay. But while our experts implement true-and-tested step-by-step programs against common lawn weeds, you need to know about noxious weeds as well. It is not likely you have them on your property, as all these years of prevention weed treatments, pre-emergent, and post-emergent control do their job well. However, the issue with noxious weeds is that you could carry them home unknowingly, so some information is good to have.
What Do You Think about Rock and Stone Landscaping in Chesterfield, MO?
Rock-based landscaping is a very popular trend appealing to more and more homeowners. The idea started taking shape some years back, when rocks, gravel, pebbles, river rocks, etc., started to replace large and costly lawn areas. Xeriscaping is still all the rage, but rock and stone landscaping took a life of its own. Now, in homeowners’ yards, our experts in landscaping in Chesterfield, MO, install a wide range of rock designs and elements to boost their properties’ aesthetics and functionality. If you want to perform some upgrades and revamps on your property this year, let’s see what our landscape company has to say!
Lawn Treatments Chesterfield MO Experts Offer Dandelion Killing Tips
Dandelions are the least ugly weeds you can see in a yard this season but are by far some of the most dangerous. Each plant can yield as many as ten thousand seeds, floating and spreading on the gentlest breezes. When it comes to dandelion control, things can get ugly very fast unless you are into xeriscaping. If you have to pull out ten dandelions this year, you might want to take care of hundreds next season. Luckily, our experts in lawn treatments in Chesterfield, MO, are here today to offer you some quick tips and answers to this issue. Let’s hear them out!
Lawn Care Ballwin MO Experts’ Tips on Water-Clogged Lawns’ Treatments
Storms and heavy rains can create temporary puddles on your lawn. Most of the time, these boggy spots drain naturally in a few days of sunny, dry weather. But what about those lawns that entertain large water puddles and mudslides? Those yards present drainage issues that risk causing permanent damages to your lawn and landscape. Fixing a damaged lawn is not an easy feat, so it is better to tackle the issue in its early stages. According to our experts in lawn care, Ballwin, MO, if your lawn usually suffers from water clogging, here is what you should do!
Sustainable Weed Control Tips from Our Lawn Treatments Manchester MO Experts
Even though early summer comes with colors, scent, and buzzing, it also brings many threats: pests, diseases, and the omnipresent weeds. You can’t stop birds and insects from dropping weed seeds on your lawn. You cannot also stop the wind from moving weed seeds all over the place. What you can do is keep weeds at bay and prevent their spreading on your newly overseeded lawn or your vegetable crops. There are plenty of smart, organic, and easy ways to fend off weeds, and this is what our lawn treatments experts in Manchester, MO, will talk about today.
What to Do after Lawn Overseeding: Our Pros in Lawn Care in Chesterfield, MO Share their Tips
At the beginning of the season, you have your plate full of lawn care and landscape management activities. As we have discussed before, lawn overseeding is one of the most vital among the many preparations and tasks on your list. It helps restore your landscape to its shape and health, boosts its looks and value, and offers you never-ending moments of peace and relaxation. However, according to our experts in lawn care in Chesterfield, MO, many homeowners do not know what to do after an overseeding session. So let’s find out together how to treat your overseeded lawn for the best results!
How to Perform Lawn Treatments in Ballwin MO for Successful Pre-Emergent Control?
Lawn treatments, fertilization, and weed control are crucial elements of any successful lawn and landscape maintenance program. Unfortunately, pre-emergent treatments in Ballwin, MO, are time-sensitive. Moreover, you need to have the knowledge and skills regarding the substances to use. You must use only chemicals that went through a rigorous certification and registration process with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Our experts in lawn treatments in Ballwin, MO, are here to share with you a few tips on pre-emergent weed control so you know what you should expect from such interventions.
Spring Overseeding: Our Experts in Lawn Care St. Peters, MO, Share Their Tips
Spring overseeding is a tricky business, especially because you can entertain crabgrass and other weeds during the overseeding process. It is best to overseed in the fall, for obvious reasons, but the same spring activity has its logic and sense. After a long, hard winter, your lawn and landscape might have suffered a handful. Moreover, we all want lush, dense, and green lawns, so overseeding makes sense to cover bare spots and boost the looks and health of your lawn and landscape. Today, our lawn care experts in St. Peters, MO, are here to share some tips on spring overseeding that you might want to consider this season.
We do not offer one-time mowing. We are a full-service maintenance company.
We provide a wide range of maintenance and landscaping services, including:
- Lawn & Landscape Mowing
- Fertilization and Weed Control
- Mulching & Shrub Trimming
- Irrigation & Landscape Lighting
- Tree and Shrub Installations
- Design & Build Services
Purchased plants we install on your property, come with a 7 Day Warranty. We offer a 3 Year Paid Warranty at a rate of 10% of total installation cost.
During the spring and fall months, we mow at 3”-3.5”. In the heat of the summer, we typically raise the height to 3.5”-4” as turf grass is healthier when left a little longer.
Most of our crew members understand English very well. If you have specific questions or instructions, our office staff can assist with translation.
Your email address is your login. You can find the login button in the upper right corner of our webpage.
Payments can be made online through the Lawn Masters Portal. We accept ACH, autopay, checks, and credit card payments.
No, schedules are set based on geographic areas to optimize efficiency.
We continue to mow in light rain. If conditions are too wet, we reschedule for the next dry day. This may affect the schedule for the rest of the week.
No, we operate on a weekly schedule to ensure consistent maintenance.
We require at least 24 hours notice to skip a mowing.
Please call our office at 636-230-0700 or email us at