In the fall season, you should not think that your lawn and landscaping activities are over. On the contrary, as we said before, fall is the season to muster some strength and prepare your property for the upcoming winter. If you still mow your lawn, water it, and apply all the advice you received from our lawn care service company in Chesterfield, MO, it is time to talk about mulch! You know that mulching before winter is essential for your landscape’s survival and thriving next spring. Today, our lawn treatment experts in Chesterfield, MO, have some tips to share with you regarding fall mulch applications.
Lawn Masters
Mandatory Fall Activities to Perform this Year: Lawn Care Ballwin MO Experts’ Advice
After a long, hot summer, all homeowners want to take a welcomed break from all the lawn care and landscaping activities they have performed. But, as most seasoned gardeners know, fall is a rather busy season, and you have a lot to do still. Many lawn care and landscaping experts agree that these colder months are not a reason for you to stop caring for your property. On the contrary, you should continue some activities and introduce a few ones to ensure your lawn’s health, strength, and beauty next spring. So let’s see what our lawn care Ballwin MO experts have to say today about mandatory fall maintenance activities to prepare your property for next spring!
Lawn Treatments Experts in Ballwin MO Warn You about 3 Yard Care Mistakes
We know you love to go out outside in the summer and indulge in some yard maintenance and gardening activities. After all, this is why you have a house with a lawn and a landscape. However, are you aware you could make some unwilling mistakes that could ruin your turf in the long run? Today, our lawn treatments experts in Ballwin MO are here to warn you about such errors and teach you how to avoid them!
Let Summer Weeds Sleep: Lawn Care St. Peters MO Experts Share Their Tips
Summer comes with tremendous benefits and joys for any homeowner who keeps a lawn and landscape in top shape. However, one of the most critical issues during the warm season is the weed problem. Hot weather weed seeds can lie dormant in the soil, waiting for you to help them germinate. Even if your lawn care experts in St. Peters MO and their lawn treatments colleagues implemented the best fertilization, weed control, and lawn maintenance programs, some summer weeds are stubborn enough to germinate against all the odds. So, here are some tips and advice you can follow to keep them far away from your lawn and landscape!
Bermuda Turf Weed Control in Summer: Lawn Treatments Chesterfield MO Pros’ Advice
Most homeowners know about Bermuda grass as one of the most resilient turf varieties one can grow if the hardiness zone and other environmental conditions allow. Some people go that far to consider Bermuda grass as a weed sometimes, as it can aggressively try to conquer territory and resources from your flowerbeds or other areas on your property. However, despite its resilience, Bermuda grass can fall victim to seasonal and perennial weeds. Broadleaf weeds can try to take over your Bermuda lawn in spring, while grassy weeds are most common in summer months and need specialized post-emergent weed control. Today, our lawn treatments experts in Chesterfield MO are here to offer you some examples of best practices when it comes to Bermuda grass weed control.
Our Pros in Landscaping Ballwin MO Advise You How to Get the Best Outdoor Lights
New homeowners who are building a landscape from scratch should consider adding a landscape lighting installation. Our landscaping experts in Ballwin MO can help you with the design and setting up of the outdoor landscape lights depending on your needs, but you should know a few things about how to choose the best outdoor lights for your property. As you know, solar lights are the best way to go, as they are more economical, more efficient, and last longer. Here are some criteria to factor in if you choose to get solar lights for your landscape this year!
Organic and Synthetic Fertilizers FAQs: Lawn Treatments Specialists in Chesterfield, MO Answers
We know you are eager to start your lawn care activities and lawn treatments in mid-spring. Before you start shopping for organic or synthetic fertilizers, however, you should know a few things about them. Today, our lawn treatments experts in Chesterfield, MO, are here to answer the most frequently asked questions when it comes to feeding your lawn nutrients, weed control substances, and enhancements.
Landscaping in Manchester MO during Mid-Spring Months: Advice from Our Experts
Grasses, plants, and ornamentals are going to grow and require our full attention in mid-spring. From mowing to complete landscaping revamping and redesign, you will have plenty on your plate. For this reason, our landscaping experts in Manchester MO are here to give you some idea on how to deal with lawn care and landscaping during this period.
Fungal Diseases’ Management: Lawn Treatments Pros in Manchester MO Share Some Tips
When spring comes, we all want to enjoy our lush and gorgeous yards and gardens. But before we sit back and relax, we need to inspect our lawns and landscapes for fungal diseases. Our lawn treatments experts in Manchester, MO, are here today to tell you what to do in such a case.
The Drawbacks of Softened Water – Landscaping Ballwin MO Experts Share Their Thoughts
If you live in a hard water area in the state, you are probably using a water softener already. But many of our clients asked us if the prolonged use of softened water for lawn and landscape irrigation was detrimental to the soil and plants. Today, our landscaping experts in Ballwin MO decided to answer such questions.
We do not offer one-time mowing. We are a full-service maintenance company.
We provide a wide range of maintenance and landscaping services, including:
- Lawn & Landscape Mowing
- Fertilization and Weed Control
- Mulching & Shrub Trimming
- Irrigation & Landscape Lighting
- Tree and Shrub Installations
- Design & Build Services
Purchased plants we install on your property, come with a 7 Day Warranty. We offer a 3 Year Paid Warranty at a rate of 10% of total installation cost.
During the spring and fall months, we mow at 3”-3.5”. In the heat of the summer, we typically raise the height to 3.5”-4” as turf grass is healthier when left a little longer.
Most of our crew members understand English very well. If you have specific questions or instructions, our office staff can assist with translation.
Your email address is your login. You can find the login button in the upper right corner of our webpage.
Payments can be made online through the Lawn Masters Portal. We accept ACH, autopay, checks, and credit card payments.
No, schedules are set based on geographic areas to optimize efficiency.
We continue to mow in light rain. If conditions are too wet, we reschedule for the next dry day. This may affect the schedule for the rest of the week.
No, we operate on a weekly schedule to ensure consistent maintenance.
We require at least 24 hours notice to skip a mowing.
Please call our office at 636-230-0700 or email us at